
Good News for Football Fans

 小池さんと行ったGroELに関する論文がJBCに採択されたと同時に、JBC Papers of The Weekにも選ばれた。JBC Papers of the Weekは、その号のトップ1%の論文が選ばれるということでたいへん栄誉なものだ。レフェリーたちの評価がよほどよかったのだな、と思われる。


 この号のJBCには一緒に出した船津さんたちの論文もJBC Papers of the Weekに選ばれている(Sameshima et al.)。船津さんたちはFRET(蛍光共鳴エネルギー移動)を使って、野生型のGroELでもATP存在下の定常状態でフットボール複合体が弾丸型複合体と同程度できていることをきちんと示した。

 なお、Papers of The Weekに選ばれると編集部の誰かが紹介文を書いてくれる。そのタイトルは「Good News for Football Fans」。なかなか良いタイトルを付けてくれた。レフェリーも隠れフットボールファンだったのだろう。


Hideki Taguchi

Current Position: Associate Professor of Department of Medical Genome Sciences at Graduate school of Frontier Sciences at the University of Tokyo.

Education: Ph.D. in Biochemical science (1993) from Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)

Non-scientific Interests: Travel, especially walking around (old) towns.

After one year of organic synthesis research, I started graduate studies in the Department of Biochemical Science at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Dr. Masasuke Yoshida was my supervisor of graduate studies, and we still collaborate on some of my current projects. Although I did not know anything about biochemistry, he suggested a new project for the graduate theme, the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of heat shock proteins. Therefore, I purified the chaperonin GroEL/ES complex from a thermophilic bacterium and published my first paper (JBC, 266, 22411-22418, 1991). In the paper, we observed the shape of the GroEL/ES complex by electron microscopy and named the complexes "football" and "bullet", based on their shapes. Thus, the current paper dealing with the football and bullet not only goes back to my classic work, but also starts to unravel novel aspects of the GroEL chaperonin machine. Although almost two decades have passed after since I first met the double-ringed protein complex, I am still fascinated by the rings.

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